EducationSara Illana studies piano bachelor at the Conservatory of Oviedo and flute bachelor at the Conservatory of Oviedo and Hochschule für Musik Köln, Germany. At age 17 she joins Siero Chamber Orchestra and its project Vínculos (Bonds), a cooperation program in South America that involves music education. That changes her perspective of the use she could give to music in her life and how to help others. In the following years, she will play and teach in countries such as Brazil, Bolivia, Morocco and Greece. For her final thesis essay she investigates about the traditional music of Northern Spain at the beginning of the 20th century and by 2000 she edites the book 'Les cuarenta principales' ('The forty main hits') of Asturian music, and by 2010 she writes, together with Ismael Arias, '99 Cantares asturianos' ('99 Asturian songs'). Both are an anthology of Asturian popular songs. After graduating, she studies her Master on Communication Management (2010) and Arts Management (2015) at the University Complutense, Madrid, and specializes on Multiculturalism and HHRR by the United Nations University for Peace, Costa Rica. She has enjoyed a scholarship to study at the Atelier for Young Festival Managers by the European Festival Association. |
Venezuela, Music & Social Action
In 2012 she moves to Caracas, to learn about El Sistema, the National Network of Youth and Children Orchestras of Venezuela, and stays until 2014 as part of the staff, becoming the pianist of the Trombone and Trumpet 'Simón Bolívar' Academies within the foundation. Thus, she accompanies and teaches young musicians, and develops a rich classical and traditional repertoire.
As a pianist, she has been guest at the Spanish National Flute Convention Seville 2014 and Bilbao 2016, International Trombone Festival in Valencia 2015, and Cuenca Brass Festival 2014. |
ManagementIn 2008 she funds Illana Cultural Management, a music management agency. With Illana she coordinates artists' tours and concerts of classical music, especially chamber music groups. With this, she develops and programs a rich repertoire nationwide.
But after some years, Sara opens a new branch of the company, Romandela, in 2016. Romandela has a strong focus on reviving and programming repertoire from Early Music to contemporary classical music. In that same year she receives a scholarship to study at the Atelier for Young Festival Managers by the European Festival Association. From 2017 to 2019 she is a part of the Counsel of Culture, Tourism and Sport of the Comunidad de Madrid, were she is an assistant to the Counselor of Music, and works at the management team for Festival Internacional de Arte Sacro and Clásicos en Verano. Currently, she is the manager of early music ensemble Forma Antiqva and the orchestra manager at Verbier Festival. |